Sunday, May 29, 2011

Increase Web Targeted Traffic With Strategic Content Syndication

Are you distributing content online? If you aren't increasing your web site visitors with targeted traffic you are doing the whole process wrong. Sharing your passion online by creating quality content is a smart way to gain free marketing exposure for your website, your message, and your self, but quality information about general topics is not a good method to generate targeted visitors that are actually looking for that type of product you are selling or promoting on your site. For example: People reading an article about dog's health will not be interested on clicking on a link or visiting a site that is about cars, or selling auto parts, don't you think?
If your goal is to boost your web traffic you need to create not just quality information, you also need make sure that the information is relevant to your site, landing page and your actual offer. The more relevant to the content is, the better your click through rates would be, you will generate more quality leads, make more sales, and you will definitely improve your ROI (return on investment).
Strategic Content Syndication Tips For Better Traffic
Distributing excellent content online it's exhausting and very frustrating if you don't get the results you expect right away. That's why when you applying this type of Internet marketing strategies you need to make sure your campaign is really focus on your goals, which in this case is getting not just more but better visitors to your site. Yes, you read that right, you will maximize your business success not by getting lots of new visitors, but making sure each new visitor is highly targeted to your niche and offer.
You can target visitors by distributing different type of information all over the Internet. Here are some of the different type of content you can create:
  • Articles.
  • Online videos.
  • Podcasts.Online radio shows.
  • Webinars.
  • Teleseminars.
  • Ebooks or reports.
  • Social status and tweets.
  • Social audio status.
  • Presentations.
  • Educational graphics.
Here is how to distribute your information strategically and promote your business website to the right audience:
1. Do a good keyword research and gather a good amount of high targeted search terms you can use in your information headline or title.
2. Now filter that those terms by focusing on the long tail keywords in your niche. For example, if your niche main keyword is 'fishing' then make a list of sub-niche keywords like 'fly fishing tips', 'ice fishing equipment', etc..
3. Now, write a good list of tips related to each of those long tail keywords. I usually prefer to have a list of 100 small tips for each term.
4. Now take 5 to 7 tips at a time to create unique useful articles based on its respective key-phrase and submit them to top article directories like EzineArticles.
5. Be sure to submit one set of tips per article directory. You don't have to use every single directory out there, just submit to 2 or 5 of the most popular ones, this way you avoid having duplicated content, and every article will have rank weight for you site.
6. Now turn each of those tips into one single detail original article. You gonna use these articles as your website content or even better as your blog posts.
7. Now let's go media crazy by turning each and every article you have into a video and submit them to popular online video sharing sites like YouTube, veoh, revver, and others.
8. Same as tip number 7, turn each of your articles into an audio podcast and submit them to popular podcast directories like Apple iTunes, and others.
9. Now turn your social media status into a mini educational article by posting or tweeting (on Twitter) each of those small tips you wrote on step number 3. To automate the process simply use, this tool let you schedule tweets by dates and time, and a lot of other features.
10. Make sure to connect your blog, YouTube account, and EzineArticles account with Facebook and Twitter so your account will automatically update when your post new content on any of those sites.
11. Make sure to use different headlines or titles when posting a link to your information on sites like Twitter or on your Facebook Fan Page.
12. Facebook Fan Pages let you auto update your notes with your blog, articles, or web site information decide pick one of them to have automatically turn into a Note.
I hope I gave you enough content syndication tips to help you increase your web targeted traffic to any or all of your sites. One more thing, be sure to test and track your marketing efforts so you can keep using the methods that work for you.

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